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Partner service contract


Sides of the Contract

Article 1

This Service Contract, hereafter referred to as the “Contract”, is a business agreement between: is a Platform owned by GoUttarakhand a company incorporated under the companies’ act 1956, with its registered seat at the address Haridwar (City of Haridwar),
11, Hanuman Garhi Kankhal, Haridwar, 249408, Uttarakhand, India, (hereafter referred to as “GoUttarakhand”),
Supplier, Service Provider, as mentioned herein as services listed on the Portal of /, hereafter referred to as “Partner”. GoUttarakhand and the Partner are hereafter collectively called the “Parties.”
Gouttarakhand IT Systems , as mentioned herein as “ITsystems, domains, websites, portals, platform, dashboard social networks, email, phone, written messages”.

The scope of Business activity is to provide services; services are listed as “Listings” on Platform by Partner for Partner by GoUttarakhand IT Systems. Services are hereinafter also listed in Categories, providing clients to order the services through given portal choosing one or more partner for the “services”. GoUttarakhand verifies the Partners information, with the means at disposal at the time of verification to GoUttarakhand, verification takes place through email, phone call, written message or through GoUttarakhand IT systems and not just limited , through “Partner register” page , where Partner is asked to sent information related to his business hereinafter “Venue, place, location, listing, page , etc.” GoUttarakhand undertakes effort to verify the Partners information at the time of listing the Business on platform through its IT Systems, domains, and websites. It is further responsibility of Partner to fully adhere by the laws and in possess of necessary license and permit to perform such business activities, listed on the GoUttarakhand. GoUttrakhand Provides this service to Partner in 3 Categorys as listed in Partners Dashboard.
1. Free listing (Paid for free only, service fee implies as listed in clause Article 15)
2. Bronze Listing (Paid at 399 INR per month or at 2394 INR per year without GST, with features mentioned in dashboard + additional service fee listed in clause Article 15)
3. Gold Listing (Paid at 999 INR per month or at 5994 Per year without GST with features mentioned in Dashboard, Additional service fee listed in clause Article 15).
This is sole decision of Partner under which category Partner chooses to Enter into contract with Parties.

Nature and Scope of the Service
Article 2

During the term of this Contract and in line with the conditions set herein:
The Partner will render services as well as other specified services, where

1. Services / Supplier/ and service provider’s act as services provider to Customers (hereafter referred to as “Clients”), according to the Order Confirmation received in the form of email/Written message/call , originating in the Point of Partner portal as listed on, following the service’s agreed, with service fees’ “Hereinafter to as Partners tariff” according to Order Confirmation issued by GoUttarakhand, and terminating after the services are rendered. All other services or updates to orders must be communicated to and confirmed by GoUttarakhand.
2. GoUttarakhand in form is not liable to compensate “Partner” if the updated order/service was not confirmed by Parties through Email/written message/call.
3. Other services providing clients with Updated or additional information, scope of services as shall be mentioned only to GoUttarakhand, shall be communicated by GoUttarakhand to Partner.
4. GoUttarakhand shall provide all necessary information to Partner to communicate with client’s in order to render services completely and in a successful manner.
5. GoUttarakhand will support the Partner through the GoUttarakhand IT and support system, collect and transfer to the Partner any fees for services.
6. Quality of Service performance assessed against the applicable details of the GoUttarakhand Terms and Conditions toward the Client (hereafter referred as Quality of Service) must be honored.
Article 3
7. “GoUttarakhand IT system,” “our IT system” or “IT system” means the online reservation, ordering, payment, contact and partner support system as offered or enabled by GoUttarakhand via the various Web applications available through one or more of its websites/Portals, including social networks.
8. “Gouttarakhand” websites include, but are not limited to, the Internet domain
9. GoUttarakhand websites, their content, infrastructure of Internet pages and the online service ordering portal service, provided by GoUttarakhand on these pages and through the websites are owned, operated, and provided by GoUttarakhand and are provided for personal, non-commercial (B2C/B2B) use only, subject to the terms of this Contract and the GoUttarakhand Terms and Conditions. Our Service is made available for personal and non-commercial use only. Using or utilizing the GoUttarakhand service is hereby limited to a nonexclusive, revocable, non-transferable license to:
1. Access our software using a personal device with the exclusive purpose of using our Service, and
2. Access any and all content, information and ancillary material available through our Service, in each case exclusively for personal, non-commercial use only. Any and all rights pertaining to the GoUttarakhand websites, including but not limited to the content and infrastructure of the pages, not specifically referred to herein are owned and reserved by GoUttarakhand.

Article 4

• Therefore, you are not allowed to resell, deep link, use, copy, monitor (e.g. spider, scrape), display, download, or reproduce any content or information, software, orders, services confirmation, products, or services available through the GoUttarakhand System for any commercial or competitive activity or purpose.

Article 5

• Parties will start providing services under the Contract after the Contract has been validated by accepting an Order/service confirmation issued by GoUttarakhand. While working with Clients, the Partner is responsible for providing services in all circumstances. Quality of service is of a main importance. The Partner is obligated to provide a Service level quality toward the Client according to Terms and Conditions noted on GoUttarakhand booking web sites.

Article 6

• The Parties communicate through standard communication channels such as e-mails/written message and telephone. By accepting the terms of this Contract, the Partner agrees to have all e-mails and telephone conversations might be recorded and archived by GoUttarakhand.
Article 7

• Clients book their requests for services on GoUttarakhand website. Upon Client’s request for services, GoUttarakhand sends an Order confirmations (“Service”) to the Partner via e- mail/Phone/written message containing a reference to GoUttarakhand IT system.
• An Order confirmation will contain the following information:

1. Date and time;
2. The number of services ordered by the client, which include at least the information relatable to Partner services as listed on GoUttarakhand IT systems.
3. Information Such as Special notes, messages, request , Clients personal information,
4. Client’s contact information, including name and telephone number;
5. The category of service chosen by the client;
6. Telephone numbers of GoUttarakhand representatives;
Other information necessary for the considered acceptance and proper execution of an Order confirmation.
Article 8

• GoUttarakhand will send the order confirmation to the Partner’s e-mail/Phone/written message within a reasonable time, allowing the Partner to review the order confirmation and submit a response. Reasonable time cannot be less than 30 minutes before the commencement of the service, in line with the terms of the Order confirmation.
Article 9

• The Partner will accept the Offer within the following 2 hours by sending an e-mail to GoUttarakhand, or making a telephone call/ written message, irrespective of the Order’s urgency as per Article 10, and asking for the information necessary for taking over the order confirmation in line with this Contract. The Order confirmation is considered to be agreed upon and accepted by the Partner by a Confirmation made through the GoUttarakhand IT system.
Article 10

1. An urgent Order confirmation is an order sent to the Partner’s e-mail less than 30 minutes before the commencement of the service in line with the terms of the Order. Such an Order confirmation should be sent by e-mail and/or by telephone. If the Partner can take over the Order confirmation, he or she will confirm the Order to GoUttarakhand by telephone and GoUttarakhand will confirm it in the GoUttarakhand IT system. (Instead of the Partner). In such cases, both sides of the contract shall be considered to have the same rights and responsibilities as if the Partner had personally confirmed the Order through the GoUttarakhand IT system.
2. GoUttarakhand shall be at right to contact Partners in nearby areas for service if the Partner which accepted the confirmation in First fails to provide service, those services shall come under Urgent Orders as well.

Quotes, Invoicing and Payments

Article 11

Fees for Services and other services defined in Article 2 Paragraph 1 -“Service fee”, are based on Partners tariffs, which are officially published on the GoUttarakhand website and agreed by the Parties.

Article 12

The Partner will charge the full amount of the Service fee as inserted by partner on GoUttarakhand (including VAT, if applicable) by issuing invoices to the Clients upon the completion of the Service. Collection of the Service fee will be done either by GoUttarakhand or directly by the Partner, depending on the option chosen in line with Article 13 of this Contract.

Article 13

Clients are granted all major payment methods, for example: bank transfer, Amex, Visa, MasterCard,Gpay, UPI. They may choose the following payment options:

1. Partial payment or Full Payment are made to GoUttarakhand at the time of the booking of the Service, the remainder payable to the Partner at the time of the Service:
2. The Client may make a partial advance payment to GoUttarakhand, via credit card or bank transfer, at the time of the booking of the Transfer. GoUttarakhand will then issue a payment Confirmation to the Client and an invoice to the Partner for the Service fee as defined in Article 15.
3. The Partner will invoice the client for the full amount of the service Fee at the completion of the service. If the Partner fails to issue an invoice within 48 hours after the service, GoUttarakhand will issue it in the name and for the account of the Partner. Such an invoice will be sent to the Partner via e-mail, or through gouttarakhand IT system.
4. Full payment made to GoUttarakhand at the time of the booking of the service:
4.1. The Client may make a full advance payment to GoUttarakhand, via credit card or bank transfer, at the time of the booking of the Service. GoUttarakhand will then issue a payment Confirmation to the Client and an invoice to the Partner for the Service fee as defined in Article 15.
4.2. The Partner will invoice the client for the full amount of the service Fee at the completion of the Service. If the Client asks for an invoice, the Partner is obligated to issue one within 48 hours of receiving GoUttarakhand written request. Following the expiry of 48 hours, if the Partner has failed to issue the invoice and upload it to the GoUttarakhand IT System, GoUttarakhand will issue it in the name and for the account of the Partner. Such an invoice will be sent to the Partner via e-mail and/or the GoUttarakhand IT system.
5. Full payment made to the Partner at the time of the service:
5.1. The Client may make a full payment to the Partner’s representative upon the completion of the service.
5.2. The Partner will issue an invoice to the Client for the service provided at the completion of the service. If the Partner fails to issue an invoice within 48 hours after the service, GoUttarakhand will issue it in the name and for the account of the Partner. Such an invoice will be sent to the Partner via e-mail or the GoUttarakhand IT system.
6. Funds will then be transferred between GoUttarakhand and the Partner according to the process set out in Article 14.

Article 14

GoUttarakhand will send an Account reconciliation report to the Partner on a monthly basis. GoUttarakhand will review it in a reasonable period and, if there are no disputes, sign a copy of the Report and send it to the Partner. If there are disputes, the Parties are obliged to undertake a reasonable effort toward reconciliation of payments based on primary accounting documents. The reconciliation process shall take place each calendar month for the preceding month, taking into account the three payment methods described in Article 13.
If nothing is disputed, GoUttarakhand will transfer the collected service fees to the Partner.

Article 15
The fee for services defined in Article 2 Paragraph 1 – “Service fee” amounts to 5% of the
Service fee without GST. The Service fee may be changed to reflect current market prices in line with market conditions, whereas any change will be implemented in agreement with the Partner. The service fee may include additional charges as Implemented by Partner to GoUttarakhand and client on GoUttarakhand websites.
1. GoUttarakhand will charge the Service fee (including GST, if applicable) to the Partner on a monthly basis.
2. Payments between the Parties shall be made in the currency stipulated in the order confirmation. Hereby currency here applicable is INDIAN RUPEES.
3. The Parties agree that mutual receivables and liabilities based on this Contract will be off-set prior to Gouttarakhand transferring collected service fees to the Partner.
4. Gratuities are voluntary. Gouttarakhand accepts no obligation to transfer any funds to the Partner above and beyond the service Fees set forth herein. The Partner shall not use misleading speech, signs or behavior that might reasonably lead the Client to believe a gratuity or “tip” to the Partner is in any way part of the Service, or is expected for whatever reason.

Partner’s Rights and Obligations
Article 16
The Partner is obliged to:

1. Be in possession of all necessary licenses, permits etc. required to perform services within their area, or as the law applicable in District where the service is provided.
2. Provide sanitary and technically sound equipments/Products, ready for services of Clients in line with the agreed Order confirmations to the agreed Venues, request, special demands or as mentioned in order confirmation, and at the agreed time.
3. Provide a Partner who is in possession of the necessary licenses and experience for the legal and safe service of Clients. A Partner is obliged to obey regulations and provide a service in good business faith. The partner shall refrain from illegal acts as stipulated by law while providing service. The partner is obliged to refuse instructions to take actions causing offence (e.g. no Violations of law, no services as not mentioned by partner prior).
4. Report the Inappropriate behavior of client at venue to GoUttarakhand upon written request.
5. Provide GoUttarakhand employees with all information about services and status of current orders.
6. Ensure that the Service is being rendered as per the clause mentioned the contract with Parties in good business faith and with punctuality, Partner shall follow the special demand request as asked by client in order conformation

7. Take all measures necessary for the safety of clients. If the Partner is unable to render service as agreed due to malfunctions, technical failure, the Partner will take all measures necessary to seek replacement, if partner is unable to provide replacement, GoUttarakhand may seek replacement in nearby areas , hereby mentioned as urgent order in clause “Article 10” The Partner agrees if there is a difference in additional cost as agreed the additional cost shall be charged to partner with applicable service fee as per the Parties contract.
8. Inform GoUttarakhand about all delays, which can cause the non-fulfillment of the Contract, in a timely manner.
9. Manage deadlines for the timely provision of services, in line with the terms of the Contract and Orders.
10. Organize regular health examinations of employees at the Partner’s own expense.
11. Keep the interior and exterior of Partner venue clean. Exceptionally, during poor weather conditions, the interior of venue must be clean.
12. The partner shall refrain from consuming substances, drugs, medical devices while engaged with the Client.
13. Adhere to the GoUttarakhand Terms and Conditions.
14. Refrain from making contact with Clients or using any Personal Information for any purpose other than the fulfillment of the Partner’s obligations as per this Contract.
15. The Partner shall not accept any clients into any venue except for the Client and persons permitted by the Client to participate in the Service.
16. Refrain from actively or passively (e.g. through omission) misrepresenting the business relationship between GoUttarakhand and the Partner. The Partner, service provider, or any representative of the Partner, shall in no case claim that any special or privileged relationship exists between GoUttarakhand and the Partner, other than the relationship between GoUttarakhand and its other Partners.
17. The Partner shall in no case encourage the Client to limit or terminate the Client’s business relationship with GoUttarakhand. This includes, but is not limited to, speech, behavior, attire, the use or usage of signs or any other promotional material belonging to the Partner, or any person or entity other than GoUttarakhand.
18. GoUttarakhand shall make promotional material available to the Partner upon request, pending availability.
19. Refrain from engaging the Client in unwanted conversation, or subjecting the Client to

prejudicial treatment or bad-mannered behavior.
20. Refrain from communicating with the Client on the subject of payment of services or other financial matters related to the Order. Under no circumstances is the Partner allowed to charge the Client for any amount exceeding the accepted order Confirmation, with the sole exceptions of using special services in order not to meet client needs, or this having been arranged by GoUttarakhand. If the Client has caused the delay, then the Client must also bear the full cost of any such additional costs. If the Partner has caused the delay, then the Partner must also bear the full cost of any such additional costs. This eventuality does not entitle the Partner to any additional charges to be made toward the Client.
21. Duly inform its Representatives and other employees / authorized persons of the processing of their personal data in relation to this Contract, and in particular of the transfer of their personal information (such as telephone numbers) to and processing of such data by GoUttarakhand, all in accordance with applicable data protection laws. Upon receiving a request from GoUttarakhand, the Partner shall provide evidence that relevant information / notices concerning data processing by GoUttarakhand have been duly provided to them.
22. Undertake a reasonable effort to search for any items which the Client may have left in the Venue by accident, upon receiving communication from GoUttarakhand pertaining to a Client’s claim of lost property. In cases where such a search has led to success, the Partner shall make an additional reasonable effort to participate in the delivery of said objects to the Client.
23, Hold GoUttarakhand in no way accountable, responsible or liable for any circumstances arising from the Client taking photographs or other visual records of the Partner and sharing this material using Internet tools and platforms.
23. Refrain from taking photographs or other visual records of the Client without the Client’s written permission.
24. Provide and maintain at least 2 twenty-four-hour-available telephone numbers for permanent connection purposes.
25. Make a telephone call to the client 5 minutes before service to the Client’s order confirmation. This call may be made by the Partner’s call agent.
Article 17

In the following circumstances, Partner will be obligated to reimburse GoUttarakhand for any damage caused by noncompliance with Article 16 and/or Article 2.

Circumstance Definition
Incomplete Service details and/or Product Details If Partner is not able to specify information completely of its services on Gouttarakhand websites, and in full Partners Obligations and Good Business Faith.

Failure to Render service If partner fails to render service as mentioned in clause Article 10, Article 16 clause 7, Partner shall be charged the difference in replacement and additional reimbursement to client
Delayed service Partner shall ensure that services as indexed by partner on Gouttarkhand ashall be provided as per the contract between parties with no delay of more than 30 minutes.

No Show Partner and its service are not present at the venue location within 30 minutes of the service time.
Incomplete service Partner unable to complete a Service once a order has commenced.
Poor Service Partner failed to deliver Service according to the General Terms and Conditions.
Incorrect service Class Incorrect service class/order sent as per the order details on the Booking.
Last minute cancellation Partner has cancelled the service within 24 hours prior to the service start.

For above mentioned circumstances Gouttarakhand will charge Partner on monthly reconciliation described in articles 14 and 15.

Article 18

The Partner has the right to:

1. Determine models and numbers of services necessary for services in line with GoUttarakhand Order.
2. Adjust fees for services and other services as defined in Article 2 Paragraph 1 based on the changes of services made by GoUttarakhand.
3. Ask the Clients not to distract the Partner or representative or employees while providing certain services, or ask the Partner to go commit offence, or to commence illegal activities, or to take any action which would cause offence.
4. Suspend services if GoUttarakhand does not transfer service fees in a timely manner. The Partner shall send a 10 days’ written notice to GoUttarakhand before suspending services under the Contract.

GoUttarakhand Rights and Obligations

GoUttarakhand is obliged to:
1. Verify all information received from Clients and their representatives and send the Order to the Partner.
2. Inform the Partner in a timely manner about unforeseen circumstances pertaining to or related to delays.
3. Provide information pertaining to the location / place of meeting Clients in a timely manner.
4. Refuse transport of flammables, explosives, fire accelerants, toxins, caustic materials, narcotics or other dangerous and/or restricted materials in the interior of a venue without special authorization.
5. To transfer service fee to partner in timely manner as per the contract between parties in these terms and conditions.

Article 20

GoUttarakhand has the right to retain and publish, via the GoUttarakhand websites or other promotional channels, Client reviews of the Service, including information about the Partner.
Article 21

GoUttarakhand has the right to take Client reviews as per Article 20 into consideration in cases where Partner administration charges are deemed necessary. Administration charges are defined in Article 17. If the Partner has not responded to the written demand for a statement issued by GoUttarakhand detailing the Client’s complaint within 3 working days, GoUttarakhand shall hold the Partner accountable for any and all payments requested by the Client as part of the complaint.
Article 22

GoUttarakhand has the right to engage in communication with the Partner based on legitimate shared interests. This includes, but is not limited to, seasonal greetings.
Article 23

Responsibilities of the Parties

1. If the Partner refuses to take over the agreed Order (i.e. does not organize a service at a place of meeting Clients after initially accepting the agreed), GoUttarakhand will not transfer payments (service fee), for the respective Order to the Partner. The Partner is also obliged to organize alternative adequate service, without any additional payments, or he will be subject to an administrative charge (as described in Article 17.).
2. If Partner doesn’t imply the replacement Article 10, Article 16 clause 7 , shall be implemented.
3. If the Partner is running late, the service will be prolonged for the time of delay. The Partner is obliged to inform GoUttarakhand employees immediately by calling the telephone numbers listed on one of GoUttarakhand websites. The Partner will return to GoUttarakhand any advance payments he may have received for this transfer. In this case, the Partner is billable according to Article 17.

4. The Partner will not be responsible if GoUttarakhand violates conditions set in Article 19.
5. The Partner shall also accept full liability and pay all expenses to GoUttarakhand, if the Partner unilaterally changed the time of service without receiving approval from GoUttarakhand. GoUttarakhand is obliged to document incurred expenses to the Partner. GoUttarakhand reserves the right to and is obliged to file compensation claims to the Partner in the form of requests. Partner will consider the request within 10 (ten) calendar days and in case of refusal, the dispute will be brought before the Arbitration court with jurisdiction over GoUttarakhand seat.
6. If it is not possible to provide the service within 30 minutes as mentioned in Article 10 of Urgent order, or if the service will be late, or if the Client wishes to add special request to order, or if specific requirements are necessary to complete the service , the partner is obliged to call our desk on one of the numbers provided on our websites, In case a telephonic call is not concluded due to operational hours or any reason , the partner shall commence the services as per mutual agreement with client and inform the proceedings to GoUttarakhand via email after the service.
Article 24

Responsibilities of Gouttarakhand:

1. In case of cancellation or postponing of the service, GoUttarakhand will inform the Partner immediately. If an advance payment was made for such Order, the Partner is obliged to reimburse GoUttarakhand for this amount. If GoUttarakhand cancels the service less than 3 hours before its start, GoUttarakhand will pay all actual expenses incurred in relation to the cancelled order to the Partner. The partner is obliged to document incurred expenses to GoUttarakhand.
2. If Clients require or wishes to prolong the service for a time longer than specified in the order Confirmation, the partner is eligible to form a mutual agreement and settle with client on spot, no additional service fee shall be implied on this clause.
3. If the venue is damaged (either on the exterior or interior) by Clients, it shall be reported to GoUttarakhand will Visual documentation and GoUttarakhand will reimburse the Partner for all expenses necessary to fix the damage.
4. GoUttarakhand is obliged to assist the Partner in preparing the damage report and sign it together with the Partner. In case of any violations of Article 19 (Clients including), GoUttarakhand will reimburse the Partner for any penalties charged by government agencies.
Article 25

The Parties shall ensure that all personal data collected and processed in relation to the Contract are processed confidentially, securely and in compliance. As mentioned in Gouttarakhand “Privacy policy”.

Force Majeure

Article 26

The Parties will be released from responsibilities for full or partial non-fulfillment of their obligations under the Contract, if such non-fulfillment is a consequence of force majeure after the conclusion of the Contract, as a result of emergency events that could neither be predicted by the Parties, nor prevented by reasonable measures. Events arising from force majeure are those for which the Parties are not responsible and/or cannot influence them, but they considerably affect the fulfillment of the terms of this Contract. Such events are, for example, an earthquake, a flood, a fire, strikes, government regulations or orders of state bodies, Pandemic, military actions of any character etc.

Article 27

If circumstances mentioned in Article 26 appear, each Party should immediately inform the other Party by e-mail and/or in writing. Such notification should contain information about the circumstances, official documents supporting such circumstances (if applicable) and estimation of the effect on the fulfillment of obligations of the Party under the Contract (if applicable). In such circumstances, a timely performance of the obligations under the Contract will adjust proportionally to the duration of force majeure and its consequences.
Dispute Settlement Procedure

Article 28

The Parties will undertake a reasonable effort to solve problems and disagreements arising in relation to this Contract by negotiations and by sending written complaints. The Respective Party will consider a complaint within 10 (ten) working days following its receipt.

Article 29
If negotiations described in Article 29 are unsuccessful, the dispute is to be settled before the Arbitration Court with jurisdiction over GoUttarakhand seat. Supplementary Conditions

Article 30

The Parties agree that all documentation under this Contract will be provided scanned by e- mail. Original documentation will be sent by post or other services accepted by both Parties.
Article 31

The Partner is not entitled to assign claims based on this Contract to third parties without the written consent of GoUttarakhand.

Article 32

All amendments to this Contract will be in full force and effect only if made in a written form and signed by the authorized representatives of the Parties.
Article 33

The Contract is available for viewing in digital format through GoUttarakhand IT system. Partner by adding a listing through “Partner register” is automatically entering in the contract and is liable to solely perform according to the conditions set in contract. No signatures are required , contract is a digital form.
Article 34

The Contract is made in English.
Article 35

Obvious errors and mistakes (including but not limited to misprints) are not binding.

Contract Duration
Article 36

The Contract is effective from the date of its Confirmation through GoUttarakhand IT system by the Partner.
Article 37
The Contract is concluded for the period of indefinite period and will be considered as prolonged for the same period, if neither Party terminates it by notice through GoUttarakhand IT system and/or e-mail communication. The Parties agree that the number of Contract prolongations is not limited in any way.

Article 38

GoUttarakhand has the right to change this contract without further notice. New versions will be published through Gouttarakhand IT system for Partner review and acceptance. Upon publishing new Contract version Partner will be noticed through GoUttarakhand IT system and/or email communication. Each changed Contract version will be kept as history (with date of change) document with version number and available for review.

Contract Termination
Article 39

The Contract can be amended or terminated by communicated consent of both Parties or in other cases prescribed by Indian legislation.
Article 40

Each Party may terminate the Contract unilaterally by written notice to the other Party with at least 30 days notice before the date of the scheduled termination.
Article 41

In case of either mutual or unilateral termination of the Contract, GoUttarakhand will transfer to the Partner all payments for services actually rendered until the termination of the Contract.

Article 42

Termination of the Contract does not release either Party from responsibilities under this Contract.

Article 43

This Contract shall be construed under and governed by the Law of India.


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